Casa de Bijuterii Malvensky va invita sa va programati intalnirea cu unul dintre consultantii nostri specializati pentru:
• Inele de logodna si verighete
• Servicii de reparatii
• Consultanta pentru cadouri speciale
• Bijuterii bespoke cu pietre pretioase
Ne dorim sa va oferim o experienta unica, cu atentie si timp dedicate exclusiv dumneavoastra.
The ideal candidate for Malvensky represents a mix of attitude, integrity, proactivity and professionalism and has:
• Ability to communicate directly and connect with customers
• Initiative and sense of responsibility
• Promptness and flexibility
• Sociability, organization, positive thinking
• Passion for customer service
• Ability to work in a team
• Solution orientation and customer treatment in a professional manner
• Minimum 2 years experience in sales
• Knowledge of PC operation and primary accounting
• English at an advanced level
Job description
• Receiving and advising the customer for sale
• Making the sale itself: Cash collection, issuing invoices, packing the goods, offering the product guarantee form, etc.
• Establishing and maintaining long-term relationships with store customers (customer loyalty)
• Taking over and managing customer requirements
• Participate in the reception of goods
• Participation in inventory
• Arrange and supervise the keeping of the order of the products in the store
• Maintain a clean and pleasant work environment in the store
• Young team and dynamic working environment
• Attractive salary package
• Private health insurance at Queen Mary
• Holiday Prime
• Professional training programs (jewelry sale, diamond sale, customer service)
• Pleasant and healthy working environment provided by the company culture
Full Time
Malvina Cservenschi, owner si director de creatie Malvensky, a creat brandul de bijuterii din dorinta de o oferi oamenilor oportunitatea de a-si vedea dorintele realizate atunci cand poarta o bijuterie pretioasa. Malvensky este apreciat si iubit de catre toate celebritatile din Romania si a fost selectionat drept Furnizorul Oficial al Casei Regale din Romania.
Misiunea Malvensky este de a aduce la viata simboluri si traditii prin crearea de bijuterii din aur cu diamante, onorand toate emotiile si conexiunile umane. Ceea ce cream este autentic, traditional, etern. Fiecare piesa vorbeste din inima si se adreseaza amprentei emotionale a oamenilor, devenind un obiect pretios pe care acestia il apreciaza pentru semnificatia sa personala. Ceea ce ne defineste sunt pasiunea, eleganta si valorizarea fiecarei emotii umane. Fiecare piesa devine astfel o mostenire, un talisman ce poate fi transferat generatiei urmatoare.
“Iubesc sa fac oamenii fericiti si cred ca reusesc acest lucru cel mai bine atunci cand le identific dorintele si le dau viata in forma unei bijuterii perfecte.” Malvina Cservenschi