Casa de Bijuterii Malvensky va invita sa va programati intalnirea cu unul dintre consultantii nostri specializati pentru:
• Inele de logodna si verighete
• Servicii de reparatii
• Consultanta pentru cadouri speciale
• Bijuterii bespoke cu pietre pretioase
Ne dorim sa va oferim o experienta unica, cu atentie si timp dedicate exclusiv dumneavoastra.


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Internship in Marketing

Internship in Marketing



The story of Malvensky is founded on a passion for jewellery, creating a unique universe of emotions, traditions, and cultures translated into pieces with significance. Since 2010, the brand has embraced a palette of values, enhancing the heritage of the House and shaping a strong culture:
• Empathy - Establishing customer relationships
• Image - Proper attire, verbal and non-verbal communication, attitude
• Collaboration - Working with and through others

This internship role revolves around marketing strategies, business development initiatives, and strategic planning. It is important to know how to juggle various marketing campaigns, client interactions, and strategic reports. Beyond these skills, critical thinking, strong attention to detail, and effective communication are essential. It is an ideal role for someone who is creative, ambitious, has excellent time management skills, and is willing to be part of a proactive team.

• Excellent communication skills
• Target-oriented mindset
• Creative and meticulous approach

Key Responsibilities:
• Marketing Campaigns - Assisting in the development and execution of marketing strategies and campaigns
• Market Research - Conducting market research to identify new business opportunities and trends
• Content Creation - Supporting the creation of content for various marketing channels, including social media, newsletters, and the company blog
• Client Interaction - Engaging with clients and potential customers to understand their needs and provide tailored solutions
• Strategic Planning - Assisting in the development of strategic plans to drive business growth

Malvensky Team:
At Malvensky, you are less of an employee and more of a team member and a brand ambassador. We aim to help young people find their path in life by offering internship opportunities at Malvensky.
People make the difference, and at Malvensky, they are valued and continuously trained. Excellence in services, growth, development, and leadership are key values we share and are driven by.
If you are ready to join the Malvensky journey, apply now by sending your CV to

Full time

Despre noi

Malvina Cservenschi, owner si director de creatie Malvensky, a creat brandul de bijuterii din dorinta de o oferi oamenilor oportunitatea de a-si vedea dorintele realizate atunci cand poarta o bijuterie pretioasa. Malvensky este apreciat si iubit de catre toate celebritatile din Romania si a fost selectionat drept Furnizorul Oficial al Casei Regale din Romania.

Misiunea Malvensky este de a aduce la viata simboluri si traditii prin crearea de bijuterii din aur cu diamante, onorand toate emotiile si conexiunile umane. Ceea ce cream este autentic, traditional, etern. Fiecare piesa vorbeste din inima si se adreseaza amprentei emotionale a oamenilor, devenind un obiect pretios pe care acestia il apreciaza pentru semnificatia sa personala. Ceea ce ne defineste sunt pasiunea, eleganta si valorizarea fiecarei emotii umane. Fiecare piesa devine astfel o mostenire, un talisman ce poate fi transferat generatiei urmatoare.

“Iubesc sa fac oamenii fericiti si cred ca reusesc acest lucru cel mai bine atunci cand le identific dorintele si le dau viata in forma unei bijuterii perfecte.” Malvina Cservenschi